Should you use Chat GPT to write your resume?

Jan 31, 2024

Should You Write Your Resume with ChatGPT?

In the evolving landscape of job hunting and recruitment, applicants are continually seeking tools and methods to gain an edge. One such tool that has garnered attention is ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. This AI-powered tool can assist in crafting resumes, but should you rely on it for such a crucial task? Let’s explore the pros and cons.

The Advantages of Using ChatGPT for Resume Writing

1. Efficiency and Speed

ChatGPT can process information and generate text quickly, saving you significant time. This is especially beneficial if you're applying to multiple jobs and need to tailor your resume for each position.

2. Consistency and Structure

The AI ensures that your resume maintains a consistent tone and structure, which is vital for readability and professionalism. It can help organize your experiences and skills in a logical manner, making your resume more appealing to recruiters.

3. Language and Grammar

ChatGPT is proficient in grammar and language usage. It can help in constructing well-formed sentences, reducing grammatical errors, and enhancing the overall language quality of your resume.

4. Customization Suggestions

Based on the inputs you provide, ChatGPT can offer suggestions for customizing your resume for different industries or roles, ensuring that your resume aligns closely with job descriptions.

The Downsides of Relying Solely on ChatGPT

1. Lack of Personal Touch

While ChatGPT is efficient, it may not capture the unique aspects of your personality and experiences that set you apart. Resumes need to reflect your individual story, something that AI may not fully convey.

2. Understanding Industry Nuances

AI might not be fully updated on specific industry jargon or recent trends. Certain fields may have particular resume conventions that ChatGPT isn’t aware of, potentially leading to a resume that doesn’t resonate with industry-specific recruiters.

3. Over-Reliance on Technology

There’s a risk of becoming too reliant on AI, potentially undermining your ability to write and update your resume independently. A balance is necessary to ensure that you maintain these essential skills.

4. Privacy Concerns

Inputting personal information into an AI tool can raise privacy concerns. It’s important to be cautious about the data you share and understand the privacy policy of the platform you’re using.

Best Practices for Using ChatGPT in Resume Writing

  1. Use as a Starting Point: Leverage ChatGPT to get a basic structure and language, but personalize it extensively to reflect your unique experiences and skills.

  2. Fact-Check and Update Industry-Specific Language: Use ChatGPT’s output as a draft and update it with industry-specific terms and trends that you know are relevant.

  3. Review and Customize: Always review and tailor the resume for each job application. Ensure that it aligns with the job description and highlights the most relevant experiences.

  4. Maintain Privacy: Be mindful of the information you input into any AI tool. Avoid sharing overly personal details or sensitive information.


Writing your resume with ChatGPT can be a helpful step in the resume creation process, particularly for structure, language, and efficiency. However, it should not replace your personal input and customization. The best approach is a hybrid one — use ChatGPT as a tool to assist in the process, but ensure that the final product is a result of your personalization and understanding of your industry. Remember, your resume is your personal brand statement; it should be as unique as your professional journey.

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Sudha Bakhshi

For me, Jawaria has been a game changer in seeking non-clinical employment. I’ve been working with her for a period of time that was divided into a number of phases.

This first part was to undergo an inventory of professional traits to better understand my strengths and weaknesses. In general I am skeptical of organizational personality assessments and feel that they tend to overgeneralize and group people based on superficial assumptions. However, I decided to commit to this approach in order to obtain a more objective view of how my interactions may result in certain perceptions in a work environment. This helped me to focus on my motivations and how I wanted to approach this stage of my career.

In the second phase, Jawaria helped me to create a coherent narrative that was reflected in a revision of my resume. She was very supportive as I overcame my hesitation to assert myself in more contemporary formats, such as LinkedIn. I felt that the conversations that we had were essential to feeling more confident as I moved forward to identifying positions that were of interest, researching the employers and writing customized cover letters to accentuate skill sets.

The third phase navigated the strange and often confusing experience of the interview process. Jawaria helped me to just accept the black box that is HR for many corporations and to then move forward to interviews with medical directors and company executives. She was present after every interview, to challenge and also to validate my perceptions of what transpired.

I have many supportive friends in medicine and other professions that offered insight and encouragement in my job hunt. But I feel that the investment in the professional coaching Jawaria offered was essential to creating the mindset necessary to approach and feel comfortable competing in the current non-clinical environment.

In the end, yes, I was able to get an offer for a job that I feel will be very interesting and challenging. And I am very grateful for Jawaria’s assistance in helping me in this process. She was very willing to share her own experiences as a physician and this was enormously meaningful.

There is a saying: “When the student is ready, the teacher will come”. This definitely applied to me and I felt that what she said resonated, even from our first conversation. As physicians, we invest into our profession, but there is something to be said for investing in ourselves as well. I would encourage my fellow doctors to consider how important professional mentorship can be and how often it can feel inaccessible. But if you are ready, then Jawaria can be the catalyst to empower physicians to feel energized about their career choices.